
1st LD: Boko Haram seizes again Nigerien city of Bosso

Source: Xinhua   2016-06-07 02:16:21            

NIAMEY, June 6 (Xinhua) -- Boko Haram has retaken the Nigerien city of Bosso, which is close to Nigeria, after a Sunday night attack, according to a military source.

Boko Haram retook the city less than 72 hours after the first attack on Friday when 30 Nigerien and two Nigerian soldiers were killed and 70 others were injured.

On Friday night, hundreds of Boko Haram fighters assaulted the military camp, forcing soldiers to retreat after hours of fighting.

A counterattack led Nigerien troops on Saturday morning succeeded in recapturing all lost positions.

But the troops lost control of Bosso city again on Sunday night, said a military source who did not wish to be named.

Headquartered across the border in northeastern Nigeria, Boko Haram seeks to carve out an emirate and impose a strict interpretation of Islamic law.

It has killed more than 10,000 people and displaced families mostly in northeastern Nigeria since it launched its campaign of violence in 2009.

Editor: yan
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1st LD: Boko Haram seizes again Nigerien city of Bosso

Source: Xinhua 2016-06-07 02:16:21

NIAMEY, June 6 (Xinhua) -- Boko Haram has retaken the Nigerien city of Bosso, which is close to Nigeria, after a Sunday night attack, according to a military source.

Boko Haram retook the city less than 72 hours after the first attack on Friday when 30 Nigerien and two Nigerian soldiers were killed and 70 others were injured.

On Friday night, hundreds of Boko Haram fighters assaulted the military camp, forcing soldiers to retreat after hours of fighting.

A counterattack led Nigerien troops on Saturday morning succeeded in recapturing all lost positions.

But the troops lost control of Bosso city again on Sunday night, said a military source who did not wish to be named.

Headquartered across the border in northeastern Nigeria, Boko Haram seeks to carve out an emirate and impose a strict interpretation of Islamic law.

It has killed more than 10,000 people and displaced families mostly in northeastern Nigeria since it launched its campaign of violence in 2009.

[Editor: huaxia]