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V4 to play very active role in EU's reform process: Polish PM
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-07-22 00:01:49 | Editor: huaxia

WARSAW, July 21 (Xinhua) -- The Visegrad Group (V4) will play a very active role in the process of reforms the European Union is facing, and will propose solutions which can make the EU stronger, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Thursday.

Speaking after the V4 summit here along with leaders from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, Szydlo said: "We see the need to increase member countries' control over the EU decision-making processes, including the control of governments of individual countries."

She added every "yellow card" showed to the Commission by governments of individual member countries should be deeply analyzed. European institutions cannot "uncritically impose their will," she said.

Szydlo said V4 leaders agreed on the fact that the EU must "go back to its roots," focus more on the citizens' issues instead of focusing on institutions. "Institutional EU in today's shape does not meet the expectations of the Europeans," she said.

Szydlo, together with her V4 counterparts, were meeting before an informal EU summit to be held in September in Bratislava. Leaders discussed Britain's referendum result to leave EU and the reasons which led to the decision.

It was the first summit at heads of government level since Poland took up the presidency of the V4 on July 1. Enditem

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V4 to play very active role in EU's reform process: Polish PM

Source: Xinhua 2016-07-22 00:01:49

WARSAW, July 21 (Xinhua) -- The Visegrad Group (V4) will play a very active role in the process of reforms the European Union is facing, and will propose solutions which can make the EU stronger, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Thursday.

Speaking after the V4 summit here along with leaders from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, Szydlo said: "We see the need to increase member countries' control over the EU decision-making processes, including the control of governments of individual countries."

She added every "yellow card" showed to the Commission by governments of individual member countries should be deeply analyzed. European institutions cannot "uncritically impose their will," she said.

Szydlo said V4 leaders agreed on the fact that the EU must "go back to its roots," focus more on the citizens' issues instead of focusing on institutions. "Institutional EU in today's shape does not meet the expectations of the Europeans," she said.

Szydlo, together with her V4 counterparts, were meeting before an informal EU summit to be held in September in Bratislava. Leaders discussed Britain's referendum result to leave EU and the reasons which led to the decision.

It was the first summit at heads of government level since Poland took up the presidency of the V4 on July 1. Enditem

[Editor: huaxia ]