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Tropical storm Earl leaves at least 38 dead in Mexico

Source: Xinhua   2016-08-08 10:34:07

MEXICO CITY, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- Tropical storm Earl has left at least 38 people dead by Sunday in Mexico, authorities said.

On Sunday afternoon, authorities reported at least 28 deaths in the central state of Puebla, including 15 children. Meanwhile, the eastern state of Veracruz reported 10 deaths by Sunday.

In Puebla, 13 of the deaths occurred in the municipality of Huauchinango, which received the volume of precipitation of an entire month in 24 hours. In the community of Xaltepec, a landslide killed at least 11 people, including 9 children.

In Veracruz, four people of one family in the municipality of Huayacocotla were killed when a landslide tore through their home, adding to the six people killed in the state on Saturday.

The state's civil protection bureau said that the bodies had all been recovered.

Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte said on Twitter that authorities were continuing to monitor rivers above critical levels.

The state has already evacuated dozens of people along major rivers in case of more rains but Earl is expected to begin to dissipate over Mexico's central mountains.

Before entering Mexico, Earl caused trouble in Honduras and Belize, capsizing boats and destroying homes.

However, worse may be yet to come for Mexico as the next tropical storm of the season, named Javier, was forming on Sunday off the country's Pacific Coast.

Editor: xuxin
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Tropical storm Earl leaves at least 38 dead in Mexico

Source: Xinhua 2016-08-08 10:34:07
[Editor: huaxia]

MEXICO CITY, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- Tropical storm Earl has left at least 38 people dead by Sunday in Mexico, authorities said.

On Sunday afternoon, authorities reported at least 28 deaths in the central state of Puebla, including 15 children. Meanwhile, the eastern state of Veracruz reported 10 deaths by Sunday.

In Puebla, 13 of the deaths occurred in the municipality of Huauchinango, which received the volume of precipitation of an entire month in 24 hours. In the community of Xaltepec, a landslide killed at least 11 people, including 9 children.

In Veracruz, four people of one family in the municipality of Huayacocotla were killed when a landslide tore through their home, adding to the six people killed in the state on Saturday.

The state's civil protection bureau said that the bodies had all been recovered.

Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte said on Twitter that authorities were continuing to monitor rivers above critical levels.

The state has already evacuated dozens of people along major rivers in case of more rains but Earl is expected to begin to dissipate over Mexico's central mountains.

Before entering Mexico, Earl caused trouble in Honduras and Belize, capsizing boats and destroying homes.

However, worse may be yet to come for Mexico as the next tropical storm of the season, named Javier, was forming on Sunday off the country's Pacific Coast.

[Editor: huaxia]