India refuses to share proof of surgical strikes in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir
Source: Xinhua   2016-10-06 21:44:22

NEW DELHI, Oct. 6 (Xinhua) -- The Indian government Thursday made it clear that it will not share proof of last week's "surgical strikes" across the Line of Control in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir in the wake of demands from some quarters of the country's opposition parties.

"It was a 100 per cent perfect surgical strike. Even when bigger nations do surgical strikes, they are not as successful. But there is no need for evidence of soldiers venturing across the Line of Control," Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar said.

His comments at a political rally in the town of Agra, some 250 kms from the Indian capital, came as some leaders of a few opposition parties demanded from the Indian government proof of the Indian army's surgical strikes in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had on Wednesday warned his ministers of not indulging in "chest thumping" about the military action and urged them not to speak out of turn.

Indian army had last week claimed to have carried out the surgical strikes in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to eliminate multiple terror launch pads in the aftermath of a terror attack on an Army camp in Indian-controlled Kashmir's Uri sector last month, in which 19 soldiers were killed.

Pakistan has denied of any such strikes on terror pads on its territory by the Indian Army and accused New Delhi of indulging in false propaganda for domestic gains.

Kashmir has been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan since independence from British colinia rule in 1947, and both the countries have fought at least three major wars over the disputed region in the past 65 years.

Editor: Xiang Bo
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India refuses to share proof of surgical strikes in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir

Source: Xinhua 2016-10-06 21:44:22
[Editor: huaxia]

NEW DELHI, Oct. 6 (Xinhua) -- The Indian government Thursday made it clear that it will not share proof of last week's "surgical strikes" across the Line of Control in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir in the wake of demands from some quarters of the country's opposition parties.

"It was a 100 per cent perfect surgical strike. Even when bigger nations do surgical strikes, they are not as successful. But there is no need for evidence of soldiers venturing across the Line of Control," Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar said.

His comments at a political rally in the town of Agra, some 250 kms from the Indian capital, came as some leaders of a few opposition parties demanded from the Indian government proof of the Indian army's surgical strikes in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had on Wednesday warned his ministers of not indulging in "chest thumping" about the military action and urged them not to speak out of turn.

Indian army had last week claimed to have carried out the surgical strikes in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to eliminate multiple terror launch pads in the aftermath of a terror attack on an Army camp in Indian-controlled Kashmir's Uri sector last month, in which 19 soldiers were killed.

Pakistan has denied of any such strikes on terror pads on its territory by the Indian Army and accused New Delhi of indulging in false propaganda for domestic gains.

Kashmir has been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan since independence from British colinia rule in 1947, and both the countries have fought at least three major wars over the disputed region in the past 65 years.

[Editor: huaxia]