
Nearly 1,000 Lufthansa flights to be cancelled due to strike

Source: Xinhua 2016-11-24 02:16:06


Passengers wait at the area of the Lufthansa Ticket Counters as the pilots' strike continues at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, Nov. 23, 2016. Germany's flag carrier airline Lufthansa announced Wednesday that 912 flights, including 82 intercontinental flights, would be cancelled on Thursday due to the extended pilots' strike, affecting 115,000 passengers. (Xinhua/Luo Huanhuan)

FRANKFURT, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- Germany's flag carrier airline Lufthansa announced Wednesday that 912 flights, including 82 intercontinental flights, would be cancelled on Thursday due to the extended pilots' strike, affecting 115,000 passengers.

The pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) announced another 24-hour strike on its website for Thursday, following the strike on Wednesday which caused cancellations of 876 flights, including 51 long-haul flights that day.

In total, over 215,000 passengers will be affected by about 1,800 flight cancellations on the two strike days, causing extensive damage to the interests of the company and customers, Germany's largest airline group said on its website.

The airline announced it would implement an additional special flight schedule for the second strike day, with which more than two thirds of all Lufthansa Group flights will be saved.

Lufthansa called on the pilots' union repeatedly to look for a joint solution to the labor dispute instead of rushing into an additional escalation.

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Nearly 1,000 Lufthansa flights to be cancelled due to strike
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-11-24 02:16:06 | Editor: huaxia


Passengers wait at the area of the Lufthansa Ticket Counters as the pilots' strike continues at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, Nov. 23, 2016. Germany's flag carrier airline Lufthansa announced Wednesday that 912 flights, including 82 intercontinental flights, would be cancelled on Thursday due to the extended pilots' strike, affecting 115,000 passengers. (Xinhua/Luo Huanhuan)

FRANKFURT, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- Germany's flag carrier airline Lufthansa announced Wednesday that 912 flights, including 82 intercontinental flights, would be cancelled on Thursday due to the extended pilots' strike, affecting 115,000 passengers.

The pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) announced another 24-hour strike on its website for Thursday, following the strike on Wednesday which caused cancellations of 876 flights, including 51 long-haul flights that day.

In total, over 215,000 passengers will be affected by about 1,800 flight cancellations on the two strike days, causing extensive damage to the interests of the company and customers, Germany's largest airline group said on its website.

The airline announced it would implement an additional special flight schedule for the second strike day, with which more than two thirds of all Lufthansa Group flights will be saved.

Lufthansa called on the pilots' union repeatedly to look for a joint solution to the labor dispute instead of rushing into an additional escalation.

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