
White cranes rest at Momoge National Nature Reserve in NE China

Source: Xinhua 2016-09-21 11:01:04


White cranes fly over the Momoge National Nature Reserve in Baicheng, northeast China's Jilin Province, Sept. 20, 2016. More than 40 white cranes recently made stops for food and rest at the reserve during the path of migration to the south. (Xinhua/Lin Hong)

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White cranes rest at Momoge National Nature Reserve in NE China
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-09-21 11:01:04 | Editor: Hou Qiang


White cranes fly over the Momoge National Nature Reserve in Baicheng, northeast China's Jilin Province, Sept. 20, 2016. More than 40 white cranes recently made stops for food and rest at the reserve during the path of migration to the south. (Xinhua/Lin Hong)

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