
Yemenis protest against airstrikes on prison in Sanaa

Source:Xinhua 2016-11-01 07:57:58

At least 60 prisoners were killed and 38 others injured when Saudi-led airstrikes hit a prison in Yemeni Red Sea port city of al-Hodayda on Sunday morning.

Yemenis shout slogans during a rally protesting airstrikes on a prison in al-Hodayda in Sanaa, Yemen, on Oct. 31, 2016. At least 60 prisoners were killed and 38 others injured when Saudi-led airstrikes hit a prison in Yemeni Red Sea port city of al-Hodayda on Sunday morning. (Xinhua/Mohammed Mohammed)

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Yemenis protest against airstrikes on prison in Sanaa
                 Source:Xinhua | 2016-11-01 07:57:58 | Editor: Mengjie

At least 60 prisoners were killed and 38 others injured when Saudi-led airstrikes hit a prison in Yemeni Red Sea port city of al-Hodayda on Sunday morning.

Yemenis shout slogans during a rally protesting airstrikes on a prison in al-Hodayda in Sanaa, Yemen, on Oct. 31, 2016. At least 60 prisoners were killed and 38 others injured when Saudi-led airstrikes hit a prison in Yemeni Red Sea port city of al-Hodayda on Sunday morning. (Xinhua/Mohammed Mohammed)

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