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Mexico calls on LatAm to champion globality, free trade

Source: Xinhua   2017-02-15 05:29:00

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray on Tuesday called on Latin America and the Caribbean countries to champion "globality" and free trade.

Though Videgaray did not mention Mexico's neighbor to the north, it was clear he wanted the region to take up those objectives at a time when the United States has relinquished its traditional leading role and wanted "America First".

"Today, the region is faced with a great opportunity to rise again as a region of volition, opportunity and leadership in promoting peace and an open world, a society that encourages global integration, that is against barriers, that believes in globality, in freedom, including freedom of trade, and in the promotion of a sustainable world with equitable development for all," said Videgaray.

The minister spoke during an official ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Tlatelolco Treaty, an agreement signed in Mexico City on Feb. 14, 1967 to ban nuclear weapons from Latin America.

Addressing delegations or representatives from at least 26 countries, which ratified the treaty, Videgaray also warned "the nuclear threat, as the geopolitical rearrangements continue to be visible and tangible today."

"That is why it now is the time to take the next step towards disarmament," he said.

Editor: yan
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Mexico calls on LatAm to champion globality, free trade

Source: Xinhua 2017-02-15 05:29:00
[Editor: huaxia]

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray on Tuesday called on Latin America and the Caribbean countries to champion "globality" and free trade.

Though Videgaray did not mention Mexico's neighbor to the north, it was clear he wanted the region to take up those objectives at a time when the United States has relinquished its traditional leading role and wanted "America First".

"Today, the region is faced with a great opportunity to rise again as a region of volition, opportunity and leadership in promoting peace and an open world, a society that encourages global integration, that is against barriers, that believes in globality, in freedom, including freedom of trade, and in the promotion of a sustainable world with equitable development for all," said Videgaray.

The minister spoke during an official ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Tlatelolco Treaty, an agreement signed in Mexico City on Feb. 14, 1967 to ban nuclear weapons from Latin America.

Addressing delegations or representatives from at least 26 countries, which ratified the treaty, Videgaray also warned "the nuclear threat, as the geopolitical rearrangements continue to be visible and tangible today."

"That is why it now is the time to take the next step towards disarmament," he said.

[Editor: huaxia]