Frances' Hollande expresses solidarity with Britain, calls for European act after London attack

Source: Xinhua   2017-03-23 04:15:38

PARIS, March 22 (Xinhua) -- French President Francois Hollande on Wednesday expressed solidarity with British authorities and people following vehicle and knife assaults near the Houses of Parliament in London.

"We express our solidarity and support to the British people and the Prime Minister, Theresa May...," Hollande said.

"We have to understand that terrorism concerns all of us, and France, which has been struck many times, can know what the British people are suffering today," he added.

Hollande also called for a European plan to set "all the conditions to respond to these attacks."

Three French school students, who were on a school trip in London when the attack happened, were injured with one in serious condition.

In an attack, described as a "terrorist" assault, a car was driven over Westminster Bridge, hitting and injuring a number of people and three police officers.

London police say the car then crashed near to Parliament and at least one man, armed with a knife, continued the attack, trying to enter Parliament before being shot dead.

Four people have been killed, including the male attacker, and at least 20 injured in the attack.

Editor: Mu Xuequan
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Frances' Hollande expresses solidarity with Britain, calls for European act after London attack

Source: Xinhua 2017-03-23 04:15:38

PARIS, March 22 (Xinhua) -- French President Francois Hollande on Wednesday expressed solidarity with British authorities and people following vehicle and knife assaults near the Houses of Parliament in London.

"We express our solidarity and support to the British people and the Prime Minister, Theresa May...," Hollande said.

"We have to understand that terrorism concerns all of us, and France, which has been struck many times, can know what the British people are suffering today," he added.

Hollande also called for a European plan to set "all the conditions to respond to these attacks."

Three French school students, who were on a school trip in London when the attack happened, were injured with one in serious condition.

In an attack, described as a "terrorist" assault, a car was driven over Westminster Bridge, hitting and injuring a number of people and three police officers.

London police say the car then crashed near to Parliament and at least one man, armed with a knife, continued the attack, trying to enter Parliament before being shot dead.

Four people have been killed, including the male attacker, and at least 20 injured in the attack.

[Editor: huaxia]