Spain sees 1st feminist strike

Source: Xinhua| 2018-03-08 21:31:51|Editor: Jiaxin
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Two girls hold a slogan which says "I'm not the woman of your life, I'm the woman of mine" in the manifestation of International Women's Day in Madrid, Spain, March 8, 2018. The feminist strike in defense of women's rights both in the workplace and society took place in Spain on Thursday to coincide with International Women's Day. (Xinhua/Guo Qiuda)

MADRID, March 8 (Xinhua) -- The country's first feminist strike in defense of women's rights both in the workplace and society took place in Spain on Thursday to coincide with International Women's Day.

The strike, organized by Comision 8M and supported by Spain's trade unions and other civil rights groups, is backed by the majority of Spanish society.

Earlier in the week, 82 percent of respondent of a poll published in El Pais newspaper said they understood the reasons for it.

With a slogan of "When we stop, the world stops," the strike aims to show the vital role women play in society, despite average earnings between 13 to 15 percent less than men who do equivalent tasks.

Marches and demonstrations are planned for Thursday evening in over 120 Spanish towns and cities, with the most largest ones to be held in Madrid and Barcelona.

As a result of the strike, minimum services are being provided in sectors such as health care and education while public transport has been affected with local trains running between 50 to 75 percent normal capacity.

Air travelers also face delays with the Spanish media reporting that only 35 to 65 percent of regular activity has been guaranteed on domestic flights and 56 percent on outbound international flights.

The strike has been made more visible by several female TV presenters, such as the popular Ana Rosa Quintana, deciding not to work, leading to their live mid-morning shows being replaced by pre-recorded programs. Many female radio presenters are also not working.

Women protesters in Barcelona attempted to cut off traffic on some of the city's major thoroughfares which led to minor incidents.

In politics, women members of the Coalicio Compromis party in the Valencia regional assembly were on strike, while in Madrid, women Podemos councilors also respected the strike action.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, whose People's Party (PP) had opposed the strike, tweeted that his government was "working for true equality and is counting on everyone's collaboration."

Meanwhile, Socialist Party Leader, Pedro Sanchez said "today, March 8 will change history," while Albert Rivera wrote an editorial from El Mundo newspaper entitled "For women's equality," and Podemos leader, Pablo Iglesias posted a series of tweets from female members of his party, supporting the strike.

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