Another vote on Brexit for MPs as British PM bids to beat Friday deadline

Source: Xinhua| 2019-03-28 22:54:33|Editor: yan
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LONDON, March 28 (Xinhua) -- British MPs will hold a debate and vote Friday on the withdrawal agreement Britain needs to pave the way for its exit from the European Union (EU).

Downing Street insisted that Friday's vote will not be a third meaningful vote on May's twice-rejected Brexit deal.

Leader of the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom told MPs that if agreed by the House there will be a motion tomorrow relating to Britain's exit from the EU.

She said: "The only way we ensure we leave in good time on May 22 is by approving the Withdrawal Agreement by 11 pm on the 29th of March.

"It's crucial we make every effort to give effect to that and to allow the house to debate this important issue."

EU leaders agreed at their recent summit to allow Britain's exit to be delayed until May 22, but that extended deadline is contingent on MPs approving the EU Withdrawal Agreement by Friday night.

Leadson said the new motion tabled will comply with the ruling by the Speaker of the Commons, John Bercow who has said May cannot return to parliament to vote again on the same rejected deal. It will be up to Bercow to rule whether he will allow the debate to take place on Friday.

The latest moves come after MPs spent hours Wednesday debating a series of options for a Plan B Brexit to overcome the deadlock in May's own deal.

But all eight options, ranging from a second referendum to a softer Brexit were all rejected by MPs.

May has told Conservative MPs that if her Brexit deal is approved she will resign as prime minister in the summer to make way for a successor to head the next phase of the future trade deal talks with Brussels.