Iraqi presidency finalizes new elections draft law amid national protests

Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-12 04:15:41|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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BAGHDAD, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The Iraqi presidency on Monday finalized the new elections draft law with assistance of Iraqi experts and UN representatives, state-run Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

According to the new draft law, a new electoral commission will be formed from the Iraqi judiciary and other experts away from the quota system of the political parties which the current commission is based on, INA quoted a well-informed source as saying.

The new draft will also slash the number of parliament seats by 30 percent and reduce the age threshold for candidacy to 25 years old.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi Council of Ministers, the cabinet, also submitted a new elections draft, and discussions are underway to combine the two visions into a final one which will be sent to the parliament for approval, the INA said.

According to the Iraqi constitution, both the government and the presidency have the right to present a draft law to the parliament for discussion, amendment and approval.

On Oct. 31, Iraqi President Barham Salih said in his national address that the presidency would issue a new elections draft that would replace the current controversial law and bring fairer elections in the interests of the Iraqi people.

Changing the elections law and the Independent High Electoral Commission were parts of the demands of the ongoing protests in Iraq.

Mass demonstrations have continued in the capital Baghdad and other cities in central and southern Iraq since early October, demanding comprehensive reform, accountability for corruption, improvement of public services and job opportunities.