
Chinese women's volleyball team arrive in Rio

Source: Xinhua 2016-08-02 08:55:50


Wei Qiuyue (C) of Chinese women's volleyball team arrives at the international airport of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Aug. 1, 2016. Members of Chinese women's volleyball team arrived in Rio de Janeiro on Monday. (Xinhua/Yue Yuewei)

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Chinese women's volleyball team arrive in Rio
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-08-02 08:55:50 | Editor: Zhang Dongmiao


Wei Qiuyue (C) of Chinese women's volleyball team arrives at the international airport of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Aug. 1, 2016. Members of Chinese women's volleyball team arrived in Rio de Janeiro on Monday. (Xinhua/Yue Yuewei)

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