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2015年08月04日 10:33:45 来源: 中国日报网

  Mark Zuckerberg revealed on Friday — on Facebook, naturally — that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, were expecting their first child, a girl. 扎克伯格上周五在脸书上晒出状态,他和妻子普莉希拉·陈即将迎接他们的女儿——这是他们的第一个孩子。

  Mr. Zuckerberg, chief executive of the social networking giant, wrote in an uncharacteristically personal post that he and Ms. Chan had had three miscarriages before this pregnancy — at once demonstrating a personal desire to break the stigma associated with women who miscarry and his business-related belief in Facebook as an ideal place for users to record life events. 作为社交网络巨头脸书的首席执行官,马克·扎克伯格这次一反常态爆料私生活,称他和妻子陈女士这次怀孕之前经历过三次流产,声明了他个人希望打破认为女人流产是一种羞耻的偏见,同时也强调出Facebook是用户记录个人生活的理想之地。

  "Most people don't discuss miscarriages because you worry your problems will distance you or reflect upon you — as if you're defective or did something to cause this," he wrote. “So you struggle on your own.” 扎克伯格写道:“由于担心别人会对你避而远之或另眼相看,大多数人不愿意谈论流产,就像你有什么缺陷、或者是你造成了流产似的,所以你只能自己承担。”

  Mr. Zuckerberg usually uses his personal Facebook page to announce new products or initiatives from either Facebook or his nonprofit project, Internet.org, which aims to bring Internet access to people in developing countries. Mr. Zuckerberg, who is generally private, has been gradually sharing more information about himself during "town hall" discussions with Facebook users around the world. In one such discussion in December, he said he would not allow any child of his to use Facebook before age 13. 扎克伯格的脸书主页一般只发布Internet.org的倡议(致力于在发展中国家中普及网络的公益项目)以及Facebook的新产品或新思维。而他本人的私生活信息却保护的很好,但是在和世界各地的脸书用户的“议事厅”讨论中,他渐渐地分享更多关于他个人的信息。在去年12月的某场讨论中,他说在他的孩子13岁之前都不会让他们使用脸书。

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