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2016年12月25日 10:15:33 来源: 中国日报网

  Mince pies 肉馅饼


  Early mince pies were made of meat, fruit and spice and inspired by Middle Eastern cuisine brought back by the Crusaders.


  They commonly had 13 ingredients representing Christ and the Apostles, and were formed in a large oval shape to represent the manger. Meat had disappeared from the recipe by Victorian times, although beef suet is often still included.


  Stockings 长筒袜


  Leaving stockings out at Christmas goes back to the legend of St Nicholas. Known as the gift giver, on one occasion he sent bags of gold down a chimney at the home of a poor man who had no dowry for his unmarried daughters. The gold fell into stockings left hanging to dry. St Nicholas was later referred to by the Dutch as Sinterklaas and eventually, by English-speakers, as Santa Claus.

  在圣诞节挂起长筒袜源于送礼人圣 尼古拉斯的传说。有一回圣 尼古拉斯把几袋金子放进一个穷人家的烟囱里,这个穷人没钱给他的女儿们置办嫁妆。结果金子正好掉进了那家人晾着的长筒袜中。后来圣 尼古拉斯被荷兰人称为Sinterklaas,最后在英语中转变为了Santa Claus这个名字。

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