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2016年12月25日 10:15:33 来源: 中国日报网

  Holly and ivy 冬青和常春藤


  Synonymous with Christmas and the subject of a traditional British folk carol, both holly and ivy were originally used in pre-Christian times to celebrate the winter solstice. As they provide a rare splash of colour in the darkest month of the year, their popularity has endured.


  Christmas crackers 圣诞拉炮


  London sweet-maker Tom Smith invented Christmas crackers in the late 1840s, inspired by traditional, paper-wrapped French bonbons. Even though he included mottos or riddles inside each, it was not until he found a way to make them “crack” when pulled apart that sales took off. His sons Tom, Walter and Henry later added hats and novelty gifts.

  受传统的用纸包裹的法国棒棒糖启发,伦敦糖果商汤姆 史密斯在19世纪40年代末发明了圣诞拉炮。尽管他在每只圣诞拉炮里都会放格言或谜语,但直到他想出法子让其在拉动包装纸的时候发出啪的一声,圣诞拉炮的销量才开始飙升。他的儿子汤姆、沃尔特和亨利后来又加进了纸帽子和新奇礼物等创意。

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