Peru commits to providing drinking water for all citizens by 2021

Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-16 07:21:54|Editor: Liangyu
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LIMA, June 15 (Xinhua) -- The Peruvian government has committed to providing drinking water to the entire population by 2021, President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski vowed on Thursday.

According to the head of state, his administration will work hard to ensure 31 million Peruvians receive this crucial service by 2021. In certain parts of Peru, water supplies are only available two hours per week.

Kuczynski, who recognized that this service had essentially been abandoned by previous governments, announced that 33 million U.S. dollars would be transferred to water and sanitation companies in various days to help their work.

The president also stated that his government is willing to reorganize water companies and simplify their operations to allow them to better serve the population.

According to the National Superintendant for Sanitation Services (Sunass), around 8 million Peruvians lack enough water to satisfy their basic needs.

The state body has estimated that the Peruvian government will require a total investment of 15.8 billion U.S. dollars to satisfy the entire country's demand for water.