Police officer killed as Al-Shabaab raids camp in Kenya's border

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-03 17:23:29|Editor: Yamei
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MANDERA, Kenya, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- At least one police officer was killed and unknown number injured after suspected Al-Shabaab militants raided police camps in Kenya's Mandera county which borders Somalia early Thursday.

Local police said about 50 heavily armed militants also burnt down two vehicles and escaped with one police vehicle car in the dawn attack on Lafey police station and the administration police camp.

Northeastern regional coordinator Mohamud Saleh confirmed the attack, saying a number of attackers were killed while others escaped soon after the attack.

"The gunmen stole one car after causing damage at the station but response teams are pursuing them. The place is remote and far," he said, adding that one police officer was killed during the attack.

Saleh said reinforcement has been sent to the scene to pursue the attackers and also to access the damages caused.

More than 10 police officers who were on duty took cover in the siege as the gang ran randomly there causing damage before escaping.

Locals said the attackers had been roaming the place since Wednesday night and that they alerted authorities of their presence.

A dusk to dawn curfew has been imposed in the area to help restore security in the border region and it is not clear how the group managed to strike.

The curfew was imposed after a series of attacks by suspected Al-Shabaab militia between June and early July.

Residents said there were some Al-Shabaab militants who were also killed and their bodies picked up by their accomplices as they escaped.

The latest incident comes after gunmen shot dead three people and burnt a four-wheel drive car in Lamu County.

The attackers also injured four passengers who were on a bus in the attack before they retreated into a bush. Police say no arrest has been made so far.

The attacks came a few days to the election amid fears such attacks may affect voting.

Kenyan security personnel patrolling the Somalia border have been hit with a series of explosion attacks since Kenya sent its troops to fight Al-Shabaab inside Somalia.