Ethiopia to prioritize manufacturing, mechanized farming, youth empowerment

Source: Xinhua| 2017-10-26 20:49:14|Editor: Song Lifang
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ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn on Thursday said his government will give due emphasis to manufacturing, mechanized farming and youth empowerment as major socio-economic targets for the just-commenced new fiscal year.

Desalegn, who noted 70 percent of the East African country's population are aged under 30, told the parliament that youth employment and investment would be his government's major target.

He also stressed that his government will continue to create conducive conditions for foreign investors to invest in the country's manufacturing sector.

The premier also highlighted the promotion of mechanized farming, industrial parks development and infrastructure development.

Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome told the two houses last month that Ethiopia's economy has witnessed a major shift from agriculture-dominated economy, as the industry and service sectors registered a steady increase over the past decade.

Ethiopia had registered a 10.9-percent economic growth during the previous Ethiopian fiscal year, which was close to the projected 11 percent growth. The country has also unveiled an 11.1-percent growth target for the just started fiscal year.