Qatar Charity awarded best Arab charity amid Saudi-led accusations

Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-29 16:01:53|Editor: liuxin
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DOHA, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- Qatar Charity was awarded the best Arab charity in 2017 amid recent sanctions by some Arab countries on the tiny Gulf state, Qatar News Agency reported Wednesday.

Commenting on the award, Yousef bin Ahmed al Kuwari, chief executive officer of Qatar Charity, said the award is not for his charity, but "for all the Qatari people and the good people everywhere who give us confidence through the implementation of charity.''

On June 5, Saudi Arabia, along with its Arab allies including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Yemen, severed diplomatic ties with Qatar as well as all air, land and sea links to the Arab Gulf state, a move that has sent shock waves across the Middle East and beyond.

Earlier, the quartet announced a list and sanctioned 59 individuals and 12 institutions, including Qatar Charity, for their financial links with Qatar over the country's suspected support of terrorism and extremism. Doha has repeatedly denied the accusations.