Australia has increasing number of large babies: study

Source: Xinhua| 2017-12-08 11:42:13|Editor: Lifang
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SYDNEY, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- Australia is having much higher-than-expected number of big babies, a latest research said here on Friday.

In a recent study on pregnant women in Sydney, a team of Australian doctors and researchers found that the number of babies weighing more than the international standard is far higher than expected, according to a study published in The Royal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists released on Friday.

Over-sized babies can increase risks of complications in childbirth, childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes, said the researchers, who studied more than 2,900 cases and categorized babies weighing more than 4 kg as large for gestational age.

"The recently published World Health Organization Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity has preconception and pregnancy care as a key recommendation necessary to make a long-term effect on the obesity epidemic," reported the researchers.

"The most opportune time to address these risk factors is before and between pregnancies."

Women with higher body mass index and pre-existing diabetes also have increased chances of having larger babies, they reported.