European leaders say EU must change to defeat populism

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-06 06:07:54|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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ROME, May 5 (Xinhua) -- The European Union must mend its ways or risk losing out to a rising tide of populist and anti-EU sentiment, European chiefs said in Florence on Friday.

Leaders, policymakers and experts gathered at the 7th annual "State of the Union" conference -- titled "Building a People's Europe" -- to thrash out how to make the EU a better place to live for its discontented citizens.

Italy had a moment of glory when European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said it saves the honor of Europe by rescuing migrants and refugees at sea.

"From the very first day of the migration crisis, Italy has done everything possible -- in the absence of a sufficient European presence, Italy has saved and continues to save Europe's honor," Juncker said.

Also at the Florence gathering was European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, who is Italian.

Tajani said what European citizens want first and foremost is for the EU to manage migration, guarantee greater security, and offer prospects and employment to the young.

"There have to be far-reaching changes. Starting with the EU budget, which has to reflect these priorities," Tajani said.

In his closing address, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said he doesn't underestimate the power of anti-EU sentiment, although it is still a minority view.

The Italian leader said Europe must insist on upholding its founding values as a free and open society.

Gentiloni said the governments and the EU must invest in social inclusion and growth policies in the midst of the current technological evolution in a globalised world.