Turkey, Russia agree on "technical issues" of S-400 missile deal

Source: Xinhua| 2017-07-05 01:43:42|Editor: yan
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ANKARA, July 4 (Xinhua) -- Turkey and Russia have agreed on the "technical issues" of Russian S-400 missile system deal, the financial issue has to be resolved, Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Isik said on Tuesday.

The financial package for the deal is under negotiation right now, and the final decision could be taken in the coming days, Isik said in an interview with state-run broadcaster TRT Haber.

"All technical work is completed. Now it is time for the final decision," he said.

The minister also noted that Turkey would cooperate with NATO members France and Italy on developing a national missile defense system project, adding "we are now in talks with the U.S. to cooperate in this area as well."

The focus is on development of the systems rather than purchasing, he stressed.

Russian Presidential aide Vladimir Kozhin said last week that Russia's contract with Turkey on the delivery of S-400 long-range air defense missile systems has been agreed, while the Kremlin had not approved a loan for the deal.

S-400 missiles are the new generation of the Russian missile system introduced in 2007. It can carry three types of missiles capable of destroying ground and air targets, including ballistic and cruise missiles.

Turkey will become the first NATO member state to purchase such missile system.