Egypt to send delegation to monitor Palestinian unity government's entry to Gaza

Source: Xinhua| 2017-09-23 00:24:30|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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RAMALLAH, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- Fatah movement said Friday that Egypt will send a delegation to the Gaza Strip to monitor Palestinian reconciliation government's taking office in Gaza.

The secretary of the Revolutionary Council, Majid al-Fatayani, told Xinhua that the Egyptian delegation will be responsible on administrative and security control, as well as to remove any obstacles that may face unity government upon assuming its duties in Gaza.

Egyptian side "confirmed that they will monitor the commitment of all parties concerned to implement the reconciliation understandings on the ground" in the Gaza Strip, he added.

Early next week, Palestinian leadership will meet chaired by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah in the West Bank to determine the role of the government.

Abbas said in a speech to UN General Assembly Wednesday that at the end of next week the government will go to the Gaza Strip to assume its duties.

Abbas also expressed satisfaction over "the agreement reached in Cairo with Egyptian efforts that cancelled steps taken by Hamas in Gaza and the commitment to enable the national unity government to exercise its full powers in the Strip and to hold general elections."

In turn, Hamas welcomed the arrival of the consensus government to the Gaza Strip to exercise its full duties, and urged President Abbas to cancel his latest punitive measures against the Gaza Strip, Hamas spokesman Abdul Latif al-Qanoua told Xinhua.

last Sunday, Hamas announced dissoloving of its administrative committee in the Gaza Strip and called on the government to "come to the Gaza Strip to exercise its powers and carry out its duties immediately," confirming to hold the general elections.

Several months ago, Hamas bloc in the Legislative Council ratified to form a "high committee" to administer the Gaza Strip and announced that it will continue as long as the Palestinian split exists and that it will end its work when the consensus government, formed in mid 2014, assume its responsibilities in Gaza.