Indian lower house passes bill banning instant divorce

Source: Xinhua| 2017-12-29 01:08:54|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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NEW DELHI, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- The lower House of Indian parliament locally called Lok Sabha Thursday passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriages) Bill 2017 making instant divorce -- Triple Talaq illegal, officials said.

Indian government hailed the passing of the bill as "historic."

"The practice of Triple Talaq has been curbed and regulated even in many Islamic countries and a secular country like India will have to ensure justice to Muslim women," Indian law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said. "The government has to bring a bill because the practice of instant divorce has continued despite the Supreme Court terming it illegal."

According to the proposed law, giving instant divorce would attract the jail term upto three years and a fine.

It would be a non-bailable offence.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriages) Bill 2017 bill seeks to make instant divorce in any form spoken, in writing or by electronic means such as email, SMS and WhatsApp as bad, illegal and void.

Around 22 Muslim countries including neighboring Pakistan and Bangladesh, have abolished Triple Talaq. The practice however was prevalent in India.

The main opposition Congress party said it supports "any move to abolish the Triple Talaq," but has demanded changes in the bill.

However, several other opposition parties have opposed the bill which include Biju Janata Dal, AIADMK and the Trinamool Congress.

The bill will now be sent to the upper House of Indian parliament (Rajya Sabha) for passage before it is forwarded to the President for his signature to become a law.

Muslims religious groups in India opposed the court's intervention in the issue of Triple Talaq and viewed it as the interference in their religion. Muslim organizations like the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) have opposed court's verdict of these matters. Some Muslim community leaders stated these practices have religious basis and were not justiciable.