Saudi Arabia to summon nationals living abroad charged with corruption

Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-11 22:51:20|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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RIYADH, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Saudi Arabia plans to summon nationals living abroad involved in corruption cases in cooperation with states they are living in, the Sabq local online news reported on Thursday.

The Attorney General Shaikh Saud Al Mujab asserted that anti-corruption efforts would continue and suspects in corruption cases who fled the country would be brought back through international arrest warrants after enough evidence are collected against them.

The suspects are part of the biggest corruption case in Saudi Arabia that caused the arrest of 159 individuals including princes and sitting and former ministers in November 2017.

And some 376 bank accounts of the detainees or related persons were frozen. Majority of those arrestees were released after accepting the settlement.

Mujab said that the cases against the suspects weren't only related to money but also to exploitation of power.

Tough measures against high profile individuals are one of many steps Saudi Arabia has been taken to initiative solid economic and social reforms, such as allowing women to drive.