80-year-old craftswoman renowned for making herbal sachets

Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-18 07:37:03|Editor: Liangyu
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Wang Xiuying and her fellow villagers make herbal sachets at a workshop in the wetland park of Pan'anhu lake, in Xuzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, Jan. 17, 2018. Wang, an 80-year-old craftswoman is renowned for making herbal sachets. Combining tradition with bold innovation, many of her works were granted with prizes and gained widespread reputation for her. Her hand-made works were labeled as masterpieces of Xuzhou scented sachets, a national intangible cultural heritage. Under the guidance of Wang, hundreds of local women started to make sachets to increase their income. (Xinhua/Ji Chunpeng)

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