Art troupe from China's Guizhou province performs in Nepal to celebrate Chinese New Year

Source: Xinhua| 2018-02-06 21:37:33|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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KATHMANDU, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- A special performance by an art troupe from China's Guizhou province was held here on Tuesday to celebrate the upcoming Spring Festival, or the Chinese Lunar New Year.

The event entitled "Colorful Guizhou," organized by the China Cultural Center in Nepal, drew an audience of about 200 people including government officials, political leaders, students and the Chinese community living in Nepal.

Addressing the event, Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Yu Hong said such events provide an opportunity for the Nepali people to understand more about the Chinese culture.

She said the political, economic and cultural relations between China and Nepal are being strengthened day by day, adding that China will always support Nepal for its overall development endeavors.

Agni Prasad Sapkota, Nepal's former information and communication minister, said "such programs are important to enhance cultural ties and I believe it will contribute to Nepal's stability, development and prosperity."

According to the China Cultural Center in Nepal, the cultural event, including acrobats, ethnic songs and dances of China will boost harmony and communication between the peoples of the two countries.

During the performance, Chinese artists treated the audience with a number of ethnic and modern performances. Colorful Guizhou dance, Basha men dance, bone shrinking art, leaf music, Fanpai wooden drum dance were some of the highlights of the event.

Various cultural events including music and dance performance, photo exhibitions, art shows are also being held in Nepal to celebrate the Spring Festival.