UN Security Council welcomes offer to engage Taliban in peace talks

Source: Xinhua| 2018-03-16 04:11:54|Editor: yan
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UNITED NATIONS, March 15 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Thursday welcomed the Afghan government's offer to engage the Taliban in direct peace talks and called on the Taliban to accept it without preconditions.

The offer was made at the second meeting of the "Kabul Process" in early March. The Taliban had insisted on direct negotiations with the United States.

In a press statement, the Security Council welcomed the convening of the meeting and underlined the importance of an inclusive Afghan-led peace process for the long-term prosperity and stability in Afghanistan.

The Security Council welcomed that participants of the meeting recognized the Kabul Process as a forum under the leadership of the Afghan government to lead peace efforts to end violence in the country.

The Kabul Process must lead to the renunciation of violence and breaking of all ties to international terrorism, as well as the respect for the equal rights of all Afghans, said the press statement.