China's railway equipment manufacturing company gives priority to technological innovation

Source: Xinhua| 2018-03-26 11:23:03|Editor: Liangyu
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Workers build a bullet train at a factory of CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. in Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province, March 23, 2018. CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. is a Chinese railway equipment manufacturing company. To enhance its core competitiveness, CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. put technological innovation as its priority through years of development. Its newly-developed Fuxing (Rejuvenation) bullet train with 16 carriages is being tested in Beijing, capital of China. With a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour, the new train measures 415 meters and has 16 carriages, twice as many as current ones. (Xinhua/Yang Shiyao)

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KEY WORDS: innovation