Chinese premier calls for enhanced agricultural competitiveness

Source: Xinhua| 2018-03-29 21:38:52|Editor: Mengjie
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SHIJIAZHUANG, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday called for efforts to improve crop structure and enhance competitiveness in the country's agricultural sector.

He made the remarks in a written instruction to a national meeting on spring farming held in Zhengding County of Hebei Province from Wednesday to Thursday.

He instructed governments at all levels to carry out solid work in spring farming, which is pivotal for agricultural production, with stronger policy support and coordination on material supplies and animal and plant disease control.

Work should be done to push for integrated development of agricultural, industrial and service sectors in rural areas and transformation of the operation pattern of agricultural production, Li said.

He also called for efforts to sharpen agricultural competitiveness and expand channels to increase farmers' income, to make new contributions to modernization of agriculture and in rural areas.

Vice Premier Hu Chunhua said at the meeting that food security was the top priority in China's work on agriculture, rural areas and rural people, calling for efforts to improve food crop structure and boost grain production capacity.

Hu also called for progress in rural reforms, and a full check on all types of rural collective assets and management improvement to prevent loss in collective assets.

KEY WORDS: agriculture