S. Africa calls for independent inquiry into killing of Palestinians

Source: Xinhua| 2018-04-04 19:11:56|Editor: Jiaxin
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CAPE TOWN, April 4 (Xinhua) -- South Africa on Wednesday called for an independent inquiry into the recent killing of Palestinians by Israeli forces in the occupied Gaza Strip.

"South Africa aligns itself with those members of the United Nations calling for an independent inquiry into the killings, with a view to holding to account those who are responsible," Minister of Foreign Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu said.

This came after the Israeli army opened fire at Palestinian demonstrators in protest against the U.S. move to relocate its embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to the disputed holy city of Jerusalem, killing 17 Palestinian citizens and injuring scores of others.

The South African government strongly condemns the latest act of violent aggression carried out by Israeli armed forces in Gaza Strip, Sisulu said.

"The actions of the Israeli armed forces present yet another obstacle to a permanent resolution to the conflict, which must come in the form of two states, Palestine and Israel, existing side-by-side and in peace," said Sisulu.

She reiterated South Africa's position that the Israeli Defence Force must withdraw from the Gaza Strip and bring to an end the violent and destructive incursions into Palestinian territories.

South Africa maintains further that the violence in the Gaza Strip will stand in the way of rebuilding Palestinian institutions and infrastructure, Sisulu said.