Somalia's lower house speaker resigns after political crisis

Source: Xinhua| 2018-04-09 17:53:55|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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MOGADISHU, April 9 (Xinhua) -- Somalia's Lower House Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari has resigned after more than a month of political stand-off with a faction allied to the Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire.

There was no official confirmation form the speaker yet but the country's Constitutional Affairs Minister Abdurahman Hosh Jibril said the speaker had resigned.

"It is official that Speaker Jawari has resigned and the Motion has been put off," the minister tweeted on Monday.

Jawari who is also an elected MP has been battling a no confidence motion sponsored by legislators from the Prime Minister's side. The Lower House meeting on Monday followed summons from Deputy Speaker Abdiweli Mudey on Sunday.

"The acting Chairperson and First Vice Chairperson in the Parliament is informing all members of parliament that tomorrow (Monday) at 9:00 a.m. will hold a general meeting for all members of parliament," Mudey said in a statement shared to lawmakers.

The deputy speaker called on the lawmakers to debate the impeachment motion a day after the embattled speaker was holding closed door meeting with President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo).

Jawari has been accused by lawmakers including the Executive of abuse of power and obstruction of constitutional reform. He has, however, twice survived a motion of no-confidence.

But Jawari has instead blamed President Farmajo and his prime minister for escalating the political crisis in the Horn of Africa nation by asking him to resign and instead of resolving the crisis without taking sides.

Jawari's resignation came after a month long battle which led to the intervention of the African Union on April 4 as the situation escalated in the Lower House building.

Jawari who was re-elected in 2017 for the second term in office has blamed the prime minister for being behind a motion of no confidence against him and for ordering security forces to occupy Parliament and has vowed to face the motion on the floor of the house if the legal requirements are met.