UN chief condemns attack on peacekeepers in CAR

Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-18 04:04:53|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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UNITED NATIONS, May 17 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the attack on Thursday by presumed local militia elements on a convoy escorted by the UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR), which killed one Mauritanian peacekeeper.

"Attacks against United Nations peacekeepers may constitute a war crime," Guterres said in a statement, calling on the CAR authorities to investigate them and bring those responsible to justice.

He reiterated the determination of the UN peacekeeping mission, or MUNUSCA, to protect civilians and contribute to stabilization of the CAR.

The UN chief offered his condolences to the family of the killed, as well as to the government of Mauritania. He also wished a swift recovery to the injured.

The ambush by presumed anti-Balaka elements took place as a group of Mauritanian peacekeepers were escorting a logistical convoy in the southern central part of the CAR.

Besides the death of the Mauritanian peacekeeper, the attack resulted in the wounding of eight others.