NFL owners approve national anthem policy for 2018

Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-24 11:03:31|Editor: zh
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WASHINGTON, May 23 (Xinhua) -- The NFL has introduced a new rule in 2018 that requires players and league personnel to stand during the national anthem but gives them the option to remain in the locker room if they don't want to stand, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced on Wednesday.

The change comes after players throughout the league chose not to stand during the anthem prior to the start of games during the 2017 season as protests started in 2016 when Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the anthem to draw awareness to issues of social inequality against minorities.

Under the change approved by team owners, clubs have to set their own policies to ensure the national anthem is being respected during any on-field action. If a player chooses to protest on the sideline, the NFL will fine the team, and the player could also be fined by his team.

"The policy adopted today was approved in concert with the NFL's ongoing commitment to local communities and our country," Goodell said in a statement. "We are dedicated to continuing our collaboration with players to advance the goals of justice and fairness in all corners of our society."

The NFL Players Association said it was not consulted before owners voted on the policy. Philadelphia Eagles player Malcolm Jenkins condemned the policy, saying that it "thwarted players' rights to express themselves."