IAEA report says Iran complying with nuclear deal

Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-25 00:57:53|Editor: yan
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VIENNA, May 24 (Xinhua) -- A confidential report of UN nuclear agency IAEA on Thursday showed Tehran is still complying with the historic nuclear deal after the United States' withdrawal from the deal.

The report, seen by Xinhua, said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is monitoring Iran's nuclear plan under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). There is no sign in the report that Iran is violating the deal, which freezes its atomic plan.

No substantial elements in Tehran's program was found to be violating the deal, including Iran' activities related to Heavy Water and Reprocessing, Enrichment and Fuel, and Centrifuge Research & Development etc., according to the report.

China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Iran are to meet on Friday in Vienna to discuss the Iranian nuclear deal for the first time after U.S. pullout from the accord.

In July 2015, six world powers and Iran signed the JCPOA in the Austrian capital, a landmark deal which eased sanctions on Iran in exchange for Tehran limiting its nuclear program.