At least 42 Pakistani Hajj pilgrims die due to various causes in Saudi Arabia

Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-25 08:29:05|Editor: mym
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ISLAMABAD, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- At least 42 Pakistani pilgrims have died of various causes during Hajj pilgrimage at different localities in Saudi Arabia, officials from the Pakistani Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony have said.

Out of 42 deceased people, 30 were males and 12 females and they were residents of different cities of Pakistan. Most of them died of suffocation or in road accidents, according to officials on Friday.

Twenty-six pilgrims died in Mecca, seven in Madina, five in Mina, and four in Arafat, according to the ministry's figures. The dead Hajj pilgrims were aged between early 40s and late 80s.

A female Pakistani pilgrim had also suffered a brain haemorrhage during the performance of Hajj and was shifted to a local hospital, where she still remains unconscious and in critical condition.

According to the ministry officials, 184,210 Pakistani pilgrims have reached Saudi Arabia under government and private programmes to perform Hajj this year.