Lebanon, Saudi Arabia to sign over 20 agreements after new cabinet

Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-27 04:12:00|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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BEIRUT, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 20 agreements will be signed between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon after the formation of a new government, said Walid Al-Bukhari, charge d'affaires at the Saudi Embassy in Beirut, on Sunday.

"Saudi Arabia is willing to bolster its ties with Lebanon in various fields and the kingdom wants to build with Lebanon a relation based on mutual respect and common interests," he said in a statement, quoted by local news agency Al Markazia.

His remarks came during a lunch organized by the Lebanese-Saudi Business Council in Chouf attended by Lebanese officials and Saudi businessmen residing in Lebanon.

Raouf Abu Zaki, chairman of Al Iktissad Wal Aamal Group, an independent private company with investors from 10 Arab countries, called upon Saudi nationals to come to Lebanon.

"It is time to restore normal and complete ties with the kingdom in terms of tourism and investment which will benefit the two countries," he said.

Last November, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait warned their citizens against traveling to Lebanon due to a Lebanese-Saudi crisis.

This caused the tourism activity to slow down during this summer season compared to the previous years.