Brazil requests immediate closure of six federal museums in Rio

Source: Xinhua| 2018-09-12 15:44:31|Editor: Liu
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RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's prosecutor on Tuesday asked for the immediate closure of six federal museums in Rio de Janeiro until all fire prevention and other safety measures are adopted following a devastating fire earlier this month.

Nine days after a fire destroyed Brazil's National Museum, the Public Prosecutor's office (MPF) requested the shutdown of six museums including the Museum of the Republic and National Historic Museum and called for the creation of an emergency plan for fire safety.

According to a report by the Brazilian Museum Institute, none of the six museums have approval to operate by the fire department.

The idea is to "guarantee the electrical security and fire suppression system in order to not only safeguard the safety of visitors and employees, but also the historic patrimony and cultural artifacts in the museums," said MPF.

The directors of the six museums were also asked to take steps to protect the works of art, historic documents and archives including transferring them to a safer place if necessary.

On Sept. 2, a fire consumed the 200-year-old National Museum in Rio De Janeiro, which housed around 20 million artifacts including those from Greco-Roman times and Egypt.

It was estimated that 90 percent were lost in the flames.

On Monday, the Brazilian government announced new measures to modernize the country's museums and solicit private donations.