Volunteers clean popular Dubai beach on World Cleanup Day

Source: Xinhua| 2018-09-15 20:53:01|Editor: xuxin
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DUBAI, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- More than a hundred Dubai residents on Saturday cleaned up the Chicago Beach near Dubai's seven-star luxury Burj Al Arab hotel.

Held to celebrate the World Cleanup Day, the event was organized by Swiss watchmaker Breitling, and supported by leisure and adventure sports firm XDubai, as well as Azraq Middle East, a United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based non-profit marine conservation organization.

The volunteers, out of millions of activists across 150 countries who run similar cleanup campaigns, collected the littered cigarette butts, plastic bottles and food wast.

"We mostly collected used plastic bottles on the coast, sometimes even valuables which we then handed over to Dubai Police's lost and found section," a spokesperson of non-profit organization Ocean Conservancy, who also participated in the event, told Xinhua.

"All litter collected from the beach and the sea will be transferred to recycling centers across Dubai," said a Breitling spokesperson.

Dubai Municipality regularly runs awareness campaigns to urge residents and tourists to drop the rubbish in the litter boxes instead of leaving it on the beach.