ASEAN countries seek to forge stronger ties against terrorism

Source: Xinhua| 2018-10-04 23:45:19|Editor: Liu
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SINGAPORE, Oct. 4 (Xinhua) -- The 2018 Southeast Asia Counter-Terrorism Symposium kicked off here Thursday, aimed at discussing ways towards greater concerted efforts against terrorism.

Themed "A Collective Approach," the two-day seminar will examine four important threads to help the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states counter the evolving threat of terrorism.

They are building societal resilience against terrorism, applying appropriate counter-measures against the region's increasingly militarized terror networks, employing advanced technologies, and exploring areas of cooperation to enhance ASEAN's collective capacity against terrorism.

ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for Political and Security Community Hoang Anh Tuan said in his speech that terrorism remains one of the most dangerous threats to regional peace, stability and prosperity.

He called on strengthening capacity in combating terrorism, especially when cyber terrorism is gaining momentum in the region while not all ASEAN countries are adequately equipped to fight against it.

Organized by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies of the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, the symposium was part of Singapore's chairmanship of ASEAN this year and will run until Friday.