Human rights development path with Chinese characteristics completely correct: Chinese official

Source: Xinhua| 2018-11-10 16:13:56|Editor: xuxin
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Zhang Jun (L), deputy head of the Chinese government delegation and China's assistant foreign minister, speaks to reporters in Geneva, Switzerland, on Nov. 9, 2018. China has made real progress in the field of human rights promotion and the human rights development path with Chinese characteristics is completely correct, Zhang said here on Friday. (Xinhua/Xu Jinquan)

GENEVA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- China has made real progress in the field of human rights promotion and the human rights development path with Chinese characteristics is completely correct, a senior Chinese official said here on Friday.

Zhang Jun, deputy head of the Chinese government delegation and China's assistant foreign minister, said in an interview that China's human rights development path has been proved to be in line with the Chinese conditions, the wishes of the Chinese people and the requirements of the times.

The UN Human Rights Council on Friday adopted its Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report of China. During the review in which China shared its ideas, practices and experience in the promotion and protection of human rights, representatives from more than 120 countries expressed their support and appreciation of China's human rights progress.

After the adoption of the report, Zhang said that the UPR provided an important opportunity for China to share its experience of development with the rest of the world.

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, under complicated international circumstances, China has always concentrated its efforts on national construction and development, making historic progress in various fields, Zhang said.

The achievements and progress China has made in human rights development should be considered as the largest human rights project and the best practice in human rights promotion, he said.

Noting that China's human rights development approach is deeply rooted in the socialist path, theory, system and culture with Chinese characteristics, Zhang said that China's concept of human rights development with Chinese characteristics is "national conditions-based, people-centered, development-oriented, rule of law-guided and openness-driven."

According to Zhang, the Chinese government announced 30 new measures during the review to further promote the country's human rights in such areas as legislation and jurisdiction, poverty eradication, healthcare, environmental protection and international cooperation.

These concrete measures concerning people' vital interests will benefit the people from various aspects, demonstrating China's determination and confidence in promoting and protecting human rights, Zhang said.

As for some groundless accusations and the attempt by some hostile and separatist forces to interfere with the review, Zhang said the related countries should take a more objective stance on China's development and progress, and fully respect China's political system and development path.

"We oppose and will never accept the use of human rights as an excuse to interfere in China's internal affairs and undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," he said.

China's human rights record was examined for the third time by the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review mechanism Tuesday, following the previous two reviews in 2009 and 2013, respectively.

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KEY WORDS: human rights