10th int'l defense expo kicks off in Pakistan's Karachi

Source: Xinhua| 2018-11-27 13:57:38|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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ISLAMABAD, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- The 10th edition of the International Defense Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS-2018) kicked off at Karachi Expo Center in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi on Tuesday.

Director Coordination of Defense Export Promotion Organization (DEPO) Brigadier Waheed Mumtaz informed media Monday that as many as 522 exhibitors from 50 countries and regions including Pakistan, China, Russia, France, Germany, Turkey, Poland, South Korea, and the United States are set to exhibit their defense products during the four-day show.

Mumtaz further informed that Pakistan, whose defense exports stand at 300 million U.S. dollars, will showcase JF-17 Thunder fighters and Mushak as their core defense products in the exhibition.

He stated that apart from the trade visitors, over 262 top-level delegations have established their exclusive country pavilions in the expo.

Commodore Tariq Javed of the DEPO told reporters that the IDEAS 2018 would surpass all previous milestones in terms of space, booking, exhibitors, and delegates, both domestic and foreign.

He said that the event will include a series of activities including the world's advanced defense technology demonstrations, an international seminar, three conferences by the Pakistan armed forces, the IDEAS Karachi Show to a counter-terrorism demonstration.

During the four-day exhibition, the participating companies will get opportunities like networking and business expansions through business-to-business and business-to-government engagements. The participating companies are expected to sign agreements and accords during the show, Javed stated.

For the citizens of Pakistan's biggest metropolis, the organizers have also arranged "The Karachi Show" on Thursday, he concluded.