Man arrested for sending package with explosives to police station in Norway

Source: Xinhua| 2018-12-08 04:25:22|Editor: yan
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OSLO, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- A 40-year-old man from southern Norway was arrested for sending a package with explosives to a police station in the country's south-eastern municipality Ski earlier this week, public broadcaster NRK published Friday.

Parts of the police station were temporarily closed on Wednesday morning when a suspicious package was discovered. Police said Thursday that it was "a precise bomb" that was intended to harm people.

According to police, it was the analysis of handwritten address on the package that made the man from Romerike in southern Norway a suspect.

"He has not been questioned. He was arrested a few minutes ago. He will be questioned as soon as possible," police attorney John Skarpeid told NRK.

The man has been in the police's spotlight quite early, as he has been threatening both the court and the police, Skarpeid added.

The suspect's defender John Christian Elden told NRK that the person denies fault.

According to newspaper VG, the same person threatened in 2008 to blow the police station at Lorenskog near Oslo with a homemade bomb.

Following the bomb threat, the man was sentenced to psychiatric observation before being released from hospital and detained.

In 2010 he was sentenced to imprisonment for one year for both threats to the police and for sexual intercourse with a minor girl.