Bilingual news: highlights of President Xi's New Year Speech

Source: Xinhuanet| 2019-01-01 17:04:03|Editor: Li Xia
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Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year speech on the eve of the year 2019 in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)


-- 2018 has been a full year, and we approached it with steadfast determination.



-- Despite all sorts of risks and challenges, we pushed our economy towards high-quality development, speeded up the replacement of the old drivers of growth, and kept the major economic indicators within a reasonable range.



-- Over the past year, the combined forces of Chinese manufacturing, Chinese innovation, and Chinese construction, have continued to change the face of the country.



--The world has seen China's accelerating reform and opening up, and its determination to carry it forward. China's reforms will never stop, and its doors will only open ever wider.



--China, as a country of people on the move, is energetically pursuing prosperity. We are running at full speed towards the realization of our dreams.



-- In 2019, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Our country has braved thorny paths and confronted stormy weather over the past seventy years. Our people are the country's solid foundation and our main source of confidence to govern.



-- Even as we speak, there are deliverymen, street cleaners, taxi drivers, and countless others who are hard at work. We should thank these workers who contribute to the creation of our beautiful society. Their hard work is much appreciated.



-- No matter what these changes bring, China will remain resolute and confident in its defense of its national sovereignty and security. And China's sincerity and goodwill to safeguard world peace and promote common development will remain unchanged.



-- We will continue to push ahead with the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and continue to advocate for the development of a community of shared future for mankind. And we will work tirelessly for a more prosperous and beautiful world.