Abu Sayyaf terrorists free Filipino hostage: military

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-03 22:48:19|Editor: yan
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MANILA, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) -- The Abu Sayyaf Group terrorists have freed a 28-year-old Filipino man who was kidnapped more than a year ago, the Philippine military said on Thursday.

Gerry Besana, the spokesman of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Mindanao Command, said the hostage named Jed Quimbo, who was abducted in September 2017 in Zamboanga del Norte province in the southern Philippines, was released on Dec. 30, 2018 in Sulu province.

Besana said no ransom was paid for the hostage's release. He claimed the hostage was released due to "military pressure."

The family of the hostage and the Sulu governor received the kidnapped victim after his release.

The Philippine military said the Abu Sayyaf Group terrorists are still holding three foreign and two Filipino hostages in Sulu province.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte activated a new Army Infantry Division to crush the Abu Sayyaf terrorists last month.

Philippine security forces have been trying to crush the Abu Sayyaf terrorists since early 2000.

Abu Sayyaf Group is the smallest but also the most radical terrorist groups in the Philippines, and often carry out kidnappings, bombings and beheadings in western Mindanao, particularly in their lair in the island provinces of Basilan and Sulu.