Sudan sees nationwide calmness: official

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-07 23:54:11|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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KHARTOUM, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's Interior Minister Ahmed Bilal Osman on Monday reiterated calmness of security situations at all areas of Sudan.

The minister issued a statement to the Sudanese parliament in response to an inquiry request by a member of the parliament over the recent popular protests in the country.

"Since the eruption of the events, 381 incidents have occurred and 816 people have been arrested. There are also 28 reports of theft and 65 reports of looting and possession of weapons," he said.

Osman added that "118 government and partisan headquarters, 18 of which belong to the police, were burnt."

A total of 194 cars, including 15 vehicles belonging to organizations, were burnt, he noted.

The minister further explained that the demonstrations began peacefully, but then swerved towards sabotage and looting.

Since Dec. 19, 2018, various areas in Sudan, including Khartoum, have been witnessing popular protests over the deteriorating economic conditions and price hikes of basic commodities.

According to government statistics, 19 people have been killed during the popular protests.