Infectious diseases in stable situation in China: official

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-25 21:05:54|Editor: mmm
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BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- China is in the peak of a flu season, but the growth rate of cases is slowing down, with a lower epidemic level than the same period last year, authorities said Friday.

Epidemic diseases are in overall stable situation in China, said Song Shuli, spokesperson for the National Health Commission, at a press conference.

Flu in southern parts of China has eased its growth pace, while in the north it has reached a plateau, said Lei Zhenglong, an official on epidemic control with the commission.

Lei noted that the commission expects the 2018-2019 flu season to see a lower epidemic level than the last one.

The predominant flu virus currently is H1N1 Influenza A, which accounts for over 90 percent, the commission said, adding that vaccines remain the most effective method against the flu.

The recommended vaccine still works on this year's flu virus, the commission said.

A total of 14.26 million doses of vaccines have been purchased, with 10.97 million doses used, the commission said, noting that supply and demand of vaccines was balanced.

The commission has asked health administrative departments and medical institutions at all levels to make full preparation for the upcoming Spring Festival and ensure quality and efficient medical service during the holiday.