Algeria's oldest opposition party to boycott presidential poll

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-26 17:30:41|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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ALGIERS, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- The Front of Socialist Forces (FFS), the oldest opposition party in Algeria, is set to boycott the presidential elections slated for April 18, local media reported on Saturday.

El Khabar newspaper quoted a statement of the party as saying that the boycott decision was made during the meeting of its National Council held on Friday.

The source noted that FFS has announced that it will neither present a candidate nor support a candidate for the upcoming poll.

FFS justified its boycott decision by the fact that "conditions of democratic, free and fair election are still not met," urging for "active, massive and peaceful boycott of the election."

According to the latest figures of the Interior Ministry, as many as 92 potential candidates have submitted their applications to take part in the election, involving 12 political parties, pending approval.

Still, whether President Abdelaziz Bouteflika would run for the fifth term is not decided, while deadline for candidacy submission is set for midnight of March 3.