NYU Shanghai sees record number of applicants

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-29 22:01:19|Editor: Li Xia
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SHANGHAI, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- The number of applications to New York University Shanghai (NYU Shanghai) jumped 25 percent this year to a record high of 16,750, according to the NYU Shanghai Admissions office.

Applicants will compete for 450 spots in Fall 2019's freshman class. This was the fourth consecutive increase in the number of applicants for NYU Shanghai, China's first Sino-American higher education institute established in 2012.

The NYU Shanghai Admissions office said that the applicant pool remained diverse, with students from 149 countries and regions. The majority of the applicants came from the United States, China, the Republic of Korea and Pakistan.

"We are seeing more and more international students seeking admission to NYU Shanghai who are eager to engage with China and with an international student body during their college years," said Annie Lu, director of admissions for NYU Shanghai.

Chinese applicants to NYU Shanghai also remarkably grew by nearly 45 percent to just under 3,000.

NYU Shanghai now has 1,300 undergraduate and graduate students, about half of whom are from China.